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Are Smartphones Endangering Security? - Wick Hill
Dealing with Internet Security Threats - Ian Kilpatrick
How the New EU Rules on Data Export Affect Companies in and Outside the EU - Thomas Helbing
Farmers' Data Leak Highlights Old Technology Use - Wick Hill
Saving Money with SFTP - Wick Hill
UK Information Commissioner targets firm selling vetting data - Eversheds e80
12 Key Steps to Internet Security - Wick Hill
Telephone Monitoring Legality in the UK - Dechert
Firewall or UTM - Wick Hill
UK Information Commissioner demands mobile device encryption - Eversheds e80
Data loss - liability, reputation and mitigation of risk - Eversheds e80
Phorm, Webwise and OIX - BCS Security Forum
The challenges of PCI DSS compliance - Thales, Russell Fewing
"Quality" Data Vendor Spams us! Editor astounded!
National Gateway Security Survey 2008 - Wick Hill
Unified Threat Management - Watchguard Technologies

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Industry Blogs
Tim Berners Lee's Blog
Tim Callan's SSL Blog
Davis Wright Tremaine's Privacy & Security Law Blog
Emergent Chaos Blog
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Metasploit Official Blog
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23 February Newsletter
Newsletter Archives are located in "News"

Industry Update
Internet Security Intelligence Briefing - November 2005
Find out the latest trends in e-commerce, web usage & the latest threats from adware/Spyware

Phorm, Webwise and OIX
- BCS Security Forum

'The Any Era has Arrived, and Everyione has Noticed' - Stratton Sclavos - VeriSign
Identity Security - Time to Share
Malicious code threats - iDefense
Public Alerts - updated as they happen from
Public Alerts - updated as they happen from Websense
Public Advisories - updated as they happen, from iDefense
Phoraging - Privacy invasion through the Semantic web: a special report by Mike Davies of VeriSign

Privacy Laws & Business International E-news, Issue 57
Privacy Laws & Business UNited Kingdom E-news, Issue 60

Security Reviews
February 2007 - VeriSign Security Review
The security review archive is here

Case Studies
Finance Industry
Case Study Example

A case study on a Finance industry company.

White Papers
VeriSign® Intelligent Infrastructure for Security
VeriSign® Intelligent Infrastructure: An Overview
Identity Protection Fraud Detection Service - description of the service
Life of a Threat - Video on Threat Management Lifecycle
Optimizing Enterprise Information Security Compliance - Dealing with all the audits
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David Rowe's Risk Management Blog

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Current News Updates

David Rowe's Risk Management Blog

SunGard executive vice president for risk management, David Rowe invites industry leaders to join a discussion community, offering thought leadership into all facets of risk management. Forward-looking commentary will be posted weekly by Mr. Rowe to open discussion, with industry participants invited to comment and contribute.

David says: “In recent years I have had many opportunities to discuss financial risk management issues with a wide range of academics and practitioners, often related to my monthly column in Risk magazine. It occurred to me that a blog would be an excellent way to extend these bi-lateral conversations to a multilateral framework open to all interested parties. For many of the topics we will cover, there will be no definitive answers. Nevertheless, a variety of perspectives and opinions often helps to clarify the problems that these issues inevitably raise.”

David is executive vice president for risk management at SunGard. In this role he advises SunGard customers and business units on risk management functionality and development priorities in their software applications. He also speaks frequently at industry conferences and seminars and writes a monthly column for Risk magazine. He is also co-chair of the PRMIA Education Committee and member of the London chapter steering committee.

    Complete list of Bloggers featured by Compliance and Privacy:

    Please note: Blogs contain items that are the responsibility of the author and are presented "as is" with no endorsement from, nor editing by, nor approval from The copyright owner for the blog items is that of the originator of the item. Each blog item is reproduced from the relevant feed from the originating blog, either in full or in part as that feed itself determines. All blog item header links lead directly to those items on the original blog. Blogs are dynamic. We offer them in good faith, but, where the content is outside our control we cannot be responsible for their errors, omissions or other conduct. Some of the links on this page remain on this site, others go to other sites; that is the nature of a blog. When you leave this site you are encouraged to be aware of the privacy policy of the new site before leaving personal data there.


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